Sunday, May 12, 2013


  • The biggest problem for me this week - lack of time.  I haven't enough time to explore and practice everything I liked. 

It was rather interesting to read and watch materials about Interactive Power Point show, especially about alternative tools like Prezi and also watch Samples of PPP of our colleagues - all of them are great, but the Kayyum's one is  the most impressive for me, he gave me some advice so I want to try them.
  • For my final project I started working on site using one of the sample of Google's sites, it's interesting but time-consuming, because I'm integrating things there by "try and error" way.For example  I'd like to put a tester program there to use it on-line and have option to get students' results on it, but  for this moment I downloaded some testing program and created test, they are explained how  to use in the classroom. Here is the problem - I have only one PC in classroom and I don't know how to integrate it  on the site. 


  1. Dear Inna.. Many of us face a problem like you - lack of technology but I hope by the end of our course we will be able to cope with this issue. Bests, Saodat

  2. Hello Inna,

    This is the nature of human beings to lack of something. We lack of time, technology, etc. I remember when ten years ago I dreamed of having a computer in my classroom. Now I have four computers and dream of having enough for all my students...


  3. Inna:
    Time is always a problem in this class. I hope you can keep track of things we do and continue to explore even after the class ends.
